Young Jewish Leaders Speak Out on Tisha B’Av

On Tisha B’Av, we remember the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash and reflect on the lessons it highlights about loss and responsibility. This day, a reflection on what we have lost, reminds us of the importance of safeguarding what we hold most dear.

As young leaders in the fight against climate change, we have a unique opportunity to act with purpose and passion while protecting the earth that we value so dearly. The environmental challenges we face today echo the themes of Tisha B’Av- difficult but crucial to address. Teen activists from the Jewish Youth Climate Movement (JYCM), powered by Adamah, took part in a Tisha B’Av virtual lobby day, organized by the Jewish Earth Alliance (JEA) in response to the Supreme Court’s overturning of the Chevron Doctrine.1

1The Chevron Doctrine was a 40-year precedent that required courts to defer to federal agencies’ interpretations of Congressional laws, giving experts wider regulatory authority on matters ranging from climate to consumer safety to labor relations. When the Supreme Court overturned this precedent at the behest of corporate interests, the Jewish Earth Alliance decided to lobby for the passage of the “Stop Corporate Capture Act,” a Congressional act aiming to return regulatory authority to experts in federal agencies, including the EPA

This lobby day was timed around the Tisha B’Av holiday, marking the destruction (“Churban”) of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Talmud makes clear that the Temple’s destruction was not a random occurrence, but the result of leaders’ poor choices. On this Tisha B’Av, we urge our leaders to make the right choices to protect the planet from climate chaos, and the Jewish people from a modern-day Churban. 

Let this day inspire us to renew our commitment to protecting our planet. Together, we can push for sustainable practices and advocate for a healthier, more just world for future generations. May this Tisha B’Av lead to impactful actions and a brighter future for our youth.


Shayne and Ami

JYCM Policy Co-Director, 12th grader
JCYM Teen Writing Director,
11th grader