Holiday Retreats

All of our retreats welcome everyone, regardless of religious practice and background. Each retreat has a slightly different Jewish flavor and are rooted in our desire to be open to all.

We take time to celebrate Shabbat and the holidays – how that occurs varies from retreat to retreat. Throughout the cycle of the year, we offer prayer experiences through different minyanim and we include alternative options such as meditation, yoga, and time in the forests. You are always welcome to observe Shabbat and the holidays in your own way. We come together for meals, rituals, and other moments as a whole community, and we aim to have our educational classes accessible to everyone.

Celebrate at our two retreat centers


Reisterstown, MD

Pearlstone is located just outside of Baltimore, 30 minutes from BWI airport. Enjoy 180-acres of natural beauty, including forested hiking trails, sports fields, a lake, and working organic farm. We offer a range of accommodation options, and all food is under kosher supervision by the OU.

Isabella Freedman

Falls Village, CT

Isabella Freedman is located in the Connecticut Berkshires, about 2 hours from New York City. The campus is surrounded by dense forests and features a lake and organic farm. We offer a range of accommodation options, and all food is under kosher supervision by the Hartford Kashrut Commission.

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is time of reflection of the year past and a look toward the future.

  • Two prayer options:Β Pearlstone is offering Traditional Egalitarian services while Isabella Freedman will have a Orthodox Mechitza service.
  • Fall at the Farm: Enjoy farm-fresh produce and the changing colors of the season at either location.

Sukkot (Sukkahfest)

All Streams, One Source. Sukkahfest is perhaps the most joyous, and most diverse celebration of the holiday of Sukkot you will find.

  • Four prayer options: Pearlstone offers Orthodox Mehitza and Traditional Egalitarian options. Freedman offers Partnership and Renewal services.
  • Sukkot: We have sukkot available for eating and sleeping.

Simchat Torah (Simchafest)

Isabella Freedman only.

Celebrate the completion of the Torah!

  • Two prayer options: Orthodox Mehitza or Traditional Egalitarian.
  • Fall in the Berkshires: Enjoy the change of seasons just as the leaves start to turn color.


Usher in the spring and experience freedom at our week-long Pesach retreats.

  • Spirited davening: Both retreat centers feature an Orthodox mehitza service.
  • Seders: Learn from our educators at the communal seders, hold your semi-private Seder as a family unit.
  • Chol HaMoed: Enjoy activities on our campus, or explore nearby attractions.


Gather as a community to receive the Torah.

  • Four prayer options: Pearlstone offers Orthodox Mehitza and Traditional Egalitarian options. Freedman offers Partnership and Renewal services.
  • All night learning: Various educators offer classes and activities all night long.
  • First fruits: Enjoy the bounty of the first harvest from our organic farms! At Isabella Freedman, celebrate with the goats in our first fruits parade.