[Newsletters] November 9 – Time to Write a Check to Federation


Time to Write a Check to Federation


By Nigel Savage, Executive Director, Hazon

Dear All,

The period from the end of the Jewish holidays (i.e. now) till the end of December (the end of the tax year) is peak season for non-profits raising money. That’s no less true for Hazon than anyone else: we’re doing important work on a relatively shoe-string budget, and we need your help. Despite that, this email isn’t a request to write us a check: it’s a request that you write one to your local Jewish Federation. That’s especially true if either A. you’ve never written a check to Federation before or B. it’s a few years since you last did so and you got out of the habit. In this email, I want to say why I think this is important, and I especially want to address critiques that are made of the system in relation both to Israel and to issues of diversity, democracy, and inclusion.

The Jewish Federation system accreted gradually over time. The first push was in the late nineteenth century; then again around the First World War; and then a different high-water mark happened in 1967 and 1973 around the time of the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War. At each point the central argument was that A. we were needlessly replicating ourselves, and needed to be more efficient, and B. that the whole was in some sense more than the sum of the parts.

In terms both of inflation-adjusted dollars raised, and the total number of donors, 1973 was probably the peak. In all sorts of ways, the system has been declining for at least the last decade and in most places longer.

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Nigel Savage, originally from Manchester, England, founded Hazon in 2000 by riding his recumbent bike across the US. He worked previously in the English equivalent of Wall Street, and was a founder of the New Israel Fund in the UK. He studied at Pardes, Yakar and Hebrew University. In 2008, he was listed in the Forward 50, the Forward’s annual list of America’s 50 most influential Jews.

California Ride & Retreat

3 Days, 2 Wheels, 1 Community

May 10-13, 2012

Sonoma County to San Francisco

“Riding my bike from Sonoma County, home to my apartment in SF was incredible. And being able to share the experience with my friends and family in such a well supported community was even better!”

2011 California Ride Participant

*** Prices increase December 15th. Register today! ***

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Hazon Cross-USA Ride

[IMG Photo Alt]Registration for 1, 2, and 3-Week Segments Now Open

June 7, 2012 – August 16, 2012

Seattle, WA to Washington, DC

Registration for segments of the Cross-USA Ride is now open! We’re offering options for traveling for one, two, and three weeks of the trip. The full Ride is scheduled for June 7 through August 16, 2012.

Grab Life by the Handlebars!

  • 72 days, 3600 miles, 70 miles per day
  • Transportation of gear and luggage
  • Meals are included
  • Teaching, learning, and service opportunities

Segments Registration | More Information



Global Day of Jewish Learning

Co-sponsored by Hazon

[IMG global day of jewish learning]We are delighted to announce that this year the second Global Day of Jewish Learning will take place on Sunday, November 13th. The Global Day of Jewish Learning unites Jewish communities around the globe to celebrate our foundational Jewish texts through community based learning. Last year’s inaugural event celebrated the completion of the Steinsaltz Talmud and counted over 400 communities in 48 countries and on six continents – clear evidence of the importance that Jews everywhere place on the shared experience of study.

Sunday, November 13, 2011,
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Mechon Hadar, 190 Amsterdam at 69th St., New York, NY

Format: 3 sessions of 50 minute classes, Parallel classes

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Global Day of Jewish Learning

at the JCC East Bay

[IMG global day of jewish learning]Sunday, November 13, 2011, 10 AM – 2 PM

JCC East Bay, Berkeley Branch 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley, CA

Come celebrate the Global Day of Jewish Learning at the JCC East Bay! The day will begin with two exciting sessions of classes, taught by the very best educators from our co-sponsors in the East Bay Jewish community. Then, a closing panel will explore new and fast-growing initiatives in the Jewish environmental movement, featuring representatives of Hazon, Urban Adamah, and Wilderness Torah. The event is FREE and delicious refreshments will be served! Questions can be directed to Noah Zaves at noahz@jcceastbay.org or 510-848-0237 x138.

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Greening Seminar: Bringing Fresh and Local Food to Your Community

For professionals or lay leaders who are involved in agency or synagogue gardening, CSAs or greenmarkets or who would like to begin programs of this nature.

Monday, November 21, 2011, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

UJA-Federation of New York, Room 706-808

130 East 59th Street (between Park and Lexington avenues)

New York, NY

Free, Light breakfast served from 9:00 to 9:30 AM

Your organization or synagogue can begin to prepare for next summer NOW. Come learn from experts about how to create a number of different kinds of food programs that address climate change, build community and local economy, and help people eat more healthfully.

Presenters include:

  • Judith Belasco, Director of Food Programs, Hazon
  • Marti Michael, Executive Director, Riverdale YM-YWHA
  • Nati Passow, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Jewish Farm School
  • Eric Shulmiller, Cantor, Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore
  • Tom Strumolo, Director of Planning and Policy, Greenmarket, GrowNYC

Seating is limited, so register early.

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Shine: Wilderness Torah’s First Annual Celebration of Light & Giving

Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 6:30-10 PM

The David Brower Center Gallery

2150 Allston Way (between Shattuck Ave. and Oxford St.)

Berkeley, CA

Join Wilderness Torah for Shine: Wilderness Torah’s First Annual Celebration of Light and Giving on Tuesday, December 13 at the David Brower Center in Downtown Berkeley. Enjoy live music with Eliyahu Sills and friends, a delicious, local, organic dinner, latke bar, olive oil tastings paired with Hagafen wine, and of course, chocolate gelt. Connect with friends, new and old, and help support our work to reconnect Judaism to the cycles of nature and the cycles of our lives!

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