Recipe: Almond Milk

This recipe comes to us from 2019 Hazon Food Conference Presenter Regina Mosenkis.

Recipe from What to Eat for How You Feel: The New Ayurvedic Kitchen by Divya Alter (Rizzoli, 2017)

I’ve taught this recipe to thousands of people and not a single student could restrain their amusement and joy: “Wow! Really, that easy?”

Making almond milk is quick and uncomplicated. It takes less time to make it at home than to go buy it at the store. If you have been drinking boxed almond milk, you’ll taste a big difference with your fresh, homemade version. It’s simple; don’t panic at the lengthy directions below. I just want to give you all the practical, time-saving tips I can. I guarantee you that after milking your almonds a couple of times, making your own almond milk will become second nature, and you will never need to look at the recipe again.

Use only raw almonds (ideally unpasteurized), not roasted or salted. Soaking is essential because it releases the digestive enzymes and makes the rich protein and fats of the almonds much easier to digest. You do not need a high-power blender for this recipe; even the cheapest blender works. Once I had no other option but to make almond milk with an immersion blender and it worked out; it just took longer.

Makes 3 cups almond milk 


  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • a small pinch of salt (optional)


  1. Place the almonds in a bowl, jar, or other container and cover with cold water, making sure there is at least 2-3 inches of water above the almonds. Refrigerate and soak for 8-12 hours. Refrigerating protects the almonds from fermenting; you may keep soaking the almonds in the fridge longer than 12 hours, up to 4 days; just make sure to change the water every day.
  2. Drain the nuts and rinse them well. (Peeling the almonds at this point is optional; see Notes below). Place them in a blender. Add the filtered water and the optional salt. (The salt brings out the almond flavor but you may omit it.)
  3. Blend on high until the nuts are completely broken down; timing depends on the blender, but it should not take more than a minute.
  4. Place the nut milk bag over a bowl, pour the mixture through a corner of the bag (layered cheesecloth also works but it’s harder to clean), and squeeze out as much of the milk as possible. It’s a good exercise for your hands! Notes

To store it: Place the milk in a jar or an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Shake well before use.