Symbolic foods and other prayers for the night of Rosh Hashanah

Our short guide contains kiddush for Rosh Hashanah, a series of prayers to be recited over different symbolic foods, and other verses and prayers for the new year.

“Abaye said: Now that you have said that omens can be significant, on Rosh Hashanah one should eat gourds, fenugreek, leeks, beets, and dates.”

Babylonian Talmud, Keritot 6a

This Talmud teaching forms the basis of our Rosh Hashanah seder with its simanim (symbolic foods) and blessings. Over time, different Jewish communities have added their own traditions and interpretations.

While some foods, such as apples with honey or pomegranates, have become near universal, we have also included other Ashkenazi, Sefardi, and Mizrahi customs, creating a ritual that reflects the diversity of modern Judaism. With each symbolic food, a prayer is recited. Many use a play on words related to the Hebrew, but other traditions contain puns using Aramaic, Yiddish, or Farsi.

Feel free to download a version that can be printed into an 8-page booklet or print a 4-page handout to enjoy at your table.