Tour De Farm?

You may or may not have visited a farm, but have you ever biked to one? Just traveling by bike allows us to fully participate in the process of getting from one place to another (making it all the more amazing that our bodies, and these machines, do what they do), visiting a farm reveals the all-to-often hidden mysteries of how food is produced provoking even more questions about plants, soil, and the interconnections between our bodies and the earth.


This year, participants in all Hazon rides will be able to use their own pedal-power to visit farms large and small from the brand new Kibbutz Yarok at Camp Newman (California Ride) to the one-acre Pushing the Envelope Farm in Geneva, IL (Cross-USA Ride), to the Adamah Farm at Isabella Freedman (New York Ride), and to Kibbutz Ketura (Israel Ride).

Read more about What’s Sprouting at Kibbutz Yarok…