Two weeks ago, right after Yom Kippur, families and communities began erecting beautiful Sukkot. Decorated with gourds, topped with bamboo, tree branches, or corn stalks, these sukkot have provided a temporary home for Jews across the world for eight days.
That was yesterday. Today, those Sukkot are coming down– along with tons of schach, organic material that covers the top of the Sukkah.
On the Upper West Side in New York City, twelve congregations, organized in partnership with Hazon Seal site Bβnai Jeshurun, are doing good with their post-Sukkot waste. Through a unique partnership with the New York City Department of Sanitation, sites are composting schachs, lulavs, and etrogs– diverting literally tons of organic material from the landfill!
Throwing organics into a landfill contributes to harmful methane gas emissions and increases our carbon footprint, while composting contributes to healthy soil and prevents the need for chemical fertilizers. What betterΒ way to end Sukkot than by re-affirming our commitment to a healthy and sustainable planet?
Learn more about the Hazon Seal of Sustainability