Come together as a family, enjoy activities planned just for you, and meet new friends.
Reunite with your friends from Family Farm Camp and Adventure Camp for an afternoon of Chanukah fun at Pearlstone! Dec 10, 2-4pm
Join 18Doors, Adamah ATL, and other Jewish organizations in Atlanta for a delightful in-person celebration on the fourth night of Hanukkah in the Park!
This event is for Jews and their loved ones. Kids and adults of all ages are welcome.
Jewish Wisdom & Nature Connection • Farm & Forest Adventures • 100% Outdoors | Sundays Jan 7 - Feb. 25 or Mondays Jan. 8 - Feb. 26
Bring the whole family for a fun Tu B'Shvat celebration. Enjoy hands-on crafts, games, and eco projects for the children ages 4-11 and their families.
Help us plant trees in an intown Atlanta park to help sustain our urban forest. Tree planting can be physically strenuous - be ready to break a sweat and get dirty!
Join Adamah ATL for an evening retreat at the Edgewood Community Learning Garden. From cocktails and appetizers in the garden to a specially curated dinner, you'll savor seasonal, local foods and herbs while learning about the spiritual connection to the plants we eat, the unique Jewish blessings we bestow upon our food and how to create our own meaningful rituals around our food.
Israeli Families: Join Pearlstone Shaliach, Avihay Aharoni for a day on the farm.
Join volunteers, educators, and the farm team at Pearlstone for a day of tree planting, garden prep, and other service projects as we create more breathable air and prepare our lands to produce delicious, healthy, organic food. Choose the project that’s right for you!
FREE EVENT! In partnership with the Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore
Enjoy Demonstrations & Hands-on Activities, Weaving, Spinning, Carding, Needle Felting