Lag B’Omer Magic


In G!d’s first encounter with Moses, G!d says:

“Take your shoes off of your feet.”

Shemot/Exodus 3:5

The words in Hebrew for “shoes” (na’alecha) and “feet” (raglecha) are also the words for “locks” and “habits/patterns”. So, the very first sentence G!d says to Moses could be read as: “Take the locks off of your habits/patterns.” This could be a poetic way of instructing us to get out of our familiar ruts! And this is where Adamah’s arrow is aiming — on Lag B’Omer, today, and every day — and we invite you to join us.

One way you can experience this Adamah magic is at our upcoming Shavuot retreats! Come learn, sing, pray, feast, connect and explore….

At Isabella Freedman, in the Connecticut Berkshires, join our Partnership Orthodox minyan or our ALEPH: Jewish Renewal minyan, sing at our all-night niggun bonfire, and see the first fruits at the Adamah Farm Bikkurim Parade!

At Pearlstone, outside of Baltimore, Maryland, join our traditional Mechitza minyan or an Egalitarian minyan, stay up all night listening to incredible scholars including Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, Joey Weisenberg, Rabbi Avram Mlotek, Dr. Melissa Klapper, and many more!

You can hear more about how Adamah is creating this paradigm shift in a recent podcast. The host, Davi Frank, is a leader of our Adamah On Campus Princeton Chapter. Davi and I speak about the intersection of religion and environmentalism AND where our Adamah magic shines.

So, on this Lag B’Omer which falls on Sunday May 26, I encourage you to take your shoes off, feel the grass between your toes, and take the locks off any habitual ruts.

Shabbat Shalom and happy Lag B’Omer!

Yoni Stadlin
Chief Immersive Program Officer