Envisioning Sabbatical Culture: a Shmita manifesto

Through 60 pages of poetic visioning and illustrations, Yigal Deutscher weaves language and art into a Shmita dreamscape, exploring foundational questions:

What is the deeper mythic symbolism of Shmita?
What is the hidden invitation that Shmita offers us today, for our food, economic, and social systems?
How can we begin designing to renew and reimagine Sabbatical Culture for our own communities?

This booklet is a narrative of awakening, remembering, reclamation, and celebration; a blueprint for a more sacred, resilient, and holistic future. Included within is a collection of micro-essays and graphics inspired by the weaving together of Shmita, Jewish Mythology, and the tools of Permaculture Design.

This is a manifesto, more than a book; a deep-dive into the questions above. Answers can be found within, but really, this is just a beginning, a taste to get us curious, excited, and hungry for more dancing with the Shmita paradigm.