In Fall 2022, representatives from Pearlstone and the Baltimore American Indian Center gathered to celebrate the restoration of a previously unnamed branch of the Patapsco River. This beautiful stream valley was given the name Tëmakwehane (pronounced tuh-MAH-kway-HAH-nay) which means Beaver Creek in the Lenape language.
The project was supported by the Chesapeake Bay Trust and Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The Natural Channel Design realigned the stream structure by re-directing, re-grading, and re-planting a 1,300-foot stretch of stream to reduce runoff and improve ecological function. While ecological uplift was the main driver for design, this project presented unique opportunities to create Mikvah pools and stream-side gathering areas in harmony with the natural function of the stream. The restored section of stream functions as a riffle-pool sequence with rocky and shallow parts before getting to the deeper pooling area.