The Jew and the Carrot Round Up – 1/23/2012

Here are some great articles from The Jew and the Carrot you may have missed last week discussing the latest in Jews, food, and contemporary life. Thank you to Hazon intern, Alyssa Berkowitz, for compiling this week’s round up!

Photo By Laura Rumpf
  • Kosher Camp Can Help You Lose Weight– “We’re a few weeks in to the New Year, and for those of us who have sworn off (again) from eating that second piece of cake, and resolved to take the stairs and park an block away, the novelty may be wearing off. Losing weight is the most common New Year’s Resolution according to the New York Times, and one of the toughest. It involves exercise, diet and a willingness to adjust your routine; in some cases, the third is the hardest part of all.”
  • Jews vs. the Farm Bill– “The issue inspiring the latest Jewish political movement won’t surprise readers of this blogรขโ‚ฌโ€but it might cause some head scratching among the rest of the Jewish community. It isn’t Israel or the 99%. Nope, it’s… the U.S. Farm Bill!”

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The Jew and the Carrot is a Forward and Hazon partnership.