[July 1, 2024] …On a personal level, Jews have always taken seriously the connection between what happens in farm fields and what is ethically and spiritually fit…
[February 26, 2023] Join us in advocating for a just and climate-friendly 2023 Farm Bill! The Farm Bill is a package of legislation with enormous impacts on all of us and on the planet. Congress is currently drafting…
[July 26, 2022] Join a robust, intersectional movement from a Jewish perspective! There has never been a better time for working together on behalf of our food future…
[January 6, 2021] We are tracking opportunities for the Jewish community to tip the scales toward effective policy. Join our advocacy alert list and we’ll call you to action…
It is springtime on the farm which means that seedlings are sprouting in the greenhouse, the peepers are singing at dusk in Lake Miriam at Isabella Freedman, and lovers of…
Important food and farm policy work moved forward this winter amid all of the daunting political news. On December 20th the 2018 Farm Bill became law. The law’s passage was…
Our tradition teaches us to open up the corners of our harvest through pe’ah and to attune ourselves to the needs of land for rest and restoration through shmita. We at Hazon are…
A few weeks ago we wrote about the hugely important Farm Bill. Well, the 2014 Farm Bill has now expired and our legislators have postponed taking any action until after…
Thursday, September 20, 2018 | 11 Tishrei 5779 Dear All, I hope you had a good and strong Yom Kippur. Someone yesterday asked me: how do we take all this…
When 2012 was coming to a close, the government was in the process of making series decisions about whether to jump off the fiscal cliff or turn around and climb…
New York September 28th 2012 / 12th Tishrei 5773 Dear All, Sukkot starts on Sunday. It’s one of my favorite holidays: Sitting in a succah; the lulav and etrog; celebrating…
Just to recap: Congress left DC in July with a Farm Bill mess: 5-year Farm Bill legislation was moved aside in the House for a Disaster Relief Bill, which was…
Like many predicted, the house could not pass a new farm bill before their five-week recess, which does not end until after Labor day….
Because of the devastating drought happening in our country, House leaders are finally working to create a short-term bill that would aid farmers, mainly in the Midwest, whose cropland has…
While the final 2012 Farm Bill may still be a long ways away, there is lots happening every week!…