Tu B’Shvat on Your Terms [Round Up 2/2/2012]

We’re excited to share our newly updated “Healthy & Sustainable Tu B’Shvat Resources,” where we share tips and suggestions for ways you can get into the spirit of the holiday while celebrating your values of living well by the earth. We’ve got a recipe for Homemade Fig Newtons, sources for local wheat and dates, and a full aray of tips to make your Tu B’Shvat great, including the Hazon Tu B’Shvat Hagaddah and Leader’s Guide. Whether you’ll be diving into Jewish tradition at a Tu B’Shvat seder, or just giving your favorite tree a hug, we hope you have a great holiday!

Read our Healthy, Sustainable Tu B’Shvat Resources – 2012 Edition

Tu B’Shvat events and more:

Is there an event or seder in your area? Add it to the comments!